June 2, 2022 | By Rachel Humphreys
“Children are so eager and happy when they receive news that they get a mentor. Even if mentoring sessions are not highly academic in nature, having a supportive adult who is devoting regular time each week to make a child feel valued, seen, and heard is so impactful. It gives children an opportunity to learn from adults who may be role models and it gives mentors the opportunity to learn from their mentees.”
“I have seen how excited the students get when their mentors arrive at school. During their time with them, they are always smiling and laughing, showing how much they enjoy and value the time.”
“Anytime students have access to one more caring adult in their lives, and adults are personally connect to the education system via students, it’s a good thing!”

“Because when I think about my success as an adult, I always think of everyone who was there to help me along the way especially as a first generation college graduate.”
“Mentoring is a safe place where students can open up, be heard, feel empowered, feel motivated and receive a boost of confidence.”
“Es de mucha ayuda para mi hijo aprender y a desarrollar sus habilidades por eso es muy importante tener mentores en nuestras escuelas.”
“I value the diversity and knowledge that my mentee and I share and also the close friendship that we have developed over the years.”
“As a single parent, I am keenly aware of how difficult it is to juggle work and providing school support for my own child. Mentoring allows for a child to receive the undivided attention of an adult — this is often in short supply and contributes to a child’s sense of well being and confidence.”
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