Hannah is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s of Social Work at Grand Valley State University and plans to continue her education to earn a Master’s of Social Work. She works as the Director of Operations for a local marketing agency and is excited to learn more about community building and program development while interning with Affinity. Hannah understands the importance of mentoring as she had two adults from her church mentor her throughout her childhood and teen years. In her free time, she enjoys painting, baking, playing volleyball, and spending time with her twin niece and nephew.
Hannah will be working alongside Affinity’s Director of Development, Rachel Humphreys, and Burton Site Coordinator, Rocio Moreno.
Hallie Miller
Hallie Miller is pursuing her Bachelor’s of Social Work a minor in Psychology at Calvin University. Born and raised in Oceanside, California, she moved to Michigan for college in the hopes of experiencing four seasons. After Calvin, she plans to pursue a Master’s of Social Work focusing on Community Organizing and working with non-profits in the future. She is excited about interning with Affinity because she believes education is so important and has the potential change lives.
Hallie will be working with Rocio Moreno, Site Coordinator at Burton Elementary.
Zach Yokom
Zach Yokom is a MSW/MPA graduate student studying Nonprofit Management. He has lived in the Grand Rapids area since 2011, but is originally from Canton, MI. Zach has been working in the GRPS school system for 3 years and brings a variety of different perspectives from a collection of roles and positions, including IKUS: Life Enrichment Services and Ottawa Hills High School. He has a passion for working with youth and supporting them along their journey towards adulthood. He notes that he has had great leaders in his life, personally and professionally, that have helped him grow immensely and he hopes to enrich others in the same way.
Zach will be working with Affinity’s Executive Director, Cassandra Kiger on fund development and sustainability.
If you or your employer are interested in learning more about our internship programs please contact info@affinitymentoring.org.
A traditional table hosted event would involve Affinity Mentoring partners participating as table hosts by inviting friends, coworkers and other acquaintances to come to the event, share a meal and listen to stories with them. This year, however, is anything but traditional. Due to COVID-19 precautions we will be holding a virtual event. Hosts will invite friends and colleagues to join them at a location of their choice to stream Affinity’s video that shares the impact of mentoring, community partnerships, and the power of relationships. Video will be available in English and Spanish.
As adults during this time we are experiencing heightened levels of stress, anxiety, fear, and lack of support systems; now just imagine what it must feel like to be 10 years old. During uncertain times with a lack of routine, supports, and social contacts mentoring is more important than ever for young people.
We recognize that pushing forward our traditional mentoring style creates barriers for some families, and we are deeply committed to providing equitable mentoring services at no cost to families, students, or our school partners. Therefore, this year we are adapting our mentoring program to a virtual platform for which there is a significant start-up cost (approximately 431% increase). In addition to increased operating costs, we are anticipating a shortfall of at least $30,000 due to our partnerships that are being financially affected by COVID-19.
Your participation in this event helps ensure that we are able to continue to provide high-quality mentoring and family support to students in Grand Rapids and Wyoming.
Goodie Bags
Each participant that attends a watch party in-person will receive a gift bag with treats and swag from local BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) owned businesses. The more people who attend your watch party, the more goodies everyone receives!
Thank you to our sponsors | Gracias a nuestros patrocinadores
CYC Event Sponsors
Cuentos y Comida (Stories and Sustenance en inglés)
Un evento tradicional organizado con invitados a un almuerzo involucraría a los socios de Affinity Mentoring que participan como anfitriones de la mesa al invitar a amigos, compañeros de trabajo y otros conocidos a asistir al evento, compartir una comida y escuchar historias con ellos. Este año, sin embargo, nada es tradicional. Debido a las precauciones de COVID-19, realizaremos un evento virtual. Los anfitriones invitarán a amigos y colegas a unirse con ellos en el lugar que elijan para transmitir el video de Affinity que comparte el impacto de la mentoría, las asociaciones comunitarias y el poder de las relaciones. El video estará disponible en inglés y español.
Como adultos, durante este tiempo nos sentimos niveles elevados de estrés, ansiedad, miedo y falta de sistemas de apoyo; ahora imagina lo que se debe sentir al tener 10 años. En tiempos de incertidumbre con falta de rutina, apoyos y contactos sociales, la mentoría es más importante que nunca para los jóvenes.
Reconocemos que seguir con nuestro estilo tradicional de mentoría crea barreras para algunas familias, y estamos profundamente comprometidos a brindar servicios de mentoría equitativos sin costo para las familias, los estudiantes y nuestros socios escolares. Por ello, este año estamos adaptando nuestro programa de mentoría a una plataforma virtual para la que existe un coste de empieza significativo (aumento de aproximadamente un 431%). Además del aumento de los costos operativos, anticipamos un déficit de al menos $30,000 debido a nuestros socios que se ven afectados financieramente por COVID-19.
Su participación en este evento ayuda a garantizar que podamos continuar brindando mentoría y apoyo familiar de alta calidad a los estudiantes en Grand Rapids y Wyoming.
Bolsas de Regalo Con Gradas
Cada participante preregistrado recibirá una bolsa de regalo con sopresas y botines de negocios locales propiedados por personas BIPOC (negros, indígenas, gente de color) (por sus siglas en inglés). ¡Cuantas más personas asistan a su fiesta, más regalos recibirán todos!
Grada 1 [2-4 personas]: Bolígrafo de Affinity Mentoring; Pegatina imentor ; Bolsitas de palomitas Mosby’s
Grada 2 [5-8 personas]: Las sopresas de Grada 1; Jugo de Malamiah (1 botella por persona); Galletas de Daddy’s Dough (2 galletas por persona)
Grada 3 [8-10 personas]: Las sopresas de Grada 1 y Grada 2; Mascarilla de Guelaguetza Designs; Camiseta de Affinity Mentoring
¡Únete a nosotros en vivo!
Fecha: Jueves, 22 de Octobre 22 Ver en directo: [Facebook Livestream] comienza a las 6:30pm [No se require una cuenta de Facebook ]Location: Ubicacion de los anfitriones, su computadora o teléfono móvil
Costo: sin tarifa de registro
[estamos aceptando patrocinios y donaciones]
Meet Burton Site Coordinator, Rocio Moreno, or better known to kindergarteners as “Mentor Boss Lady.”
2019 EPIC Awards Celebration
Rocio joined Affinity in 2017 as the Mentor Center Manager and was promoted to Site Coordinator in 2018. Prior to her role at Affinity she served as a Trauma Counselor at Safe Harbor using Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Rocio earned her Master’s of Social Work from Grand Valley State University and her Bachelor’s of Social Work from Hope College. She always knew she wanted to work with children and her goal was to find an organization where she was supported, had the opportunity to grow, and felt a sense of belonging.
“I love the fact that this organization is family-oriented. Affinity always puts the best interest of the family first. I am able to speak in Spanish and not feel out of place or looked down upon. From the first time that I walked into the Burton Site for my interview, I could hear families and staff speaking in Spanish and I couldn’t help but feel like this was home.”
Rocio feels a close connection to many of the students and families in the Burton community. Fleeing a dangerous situation, Rocio came to the U.S. from Mexico with her mom and brother at the age of three. Moving to a new country with a different language and culture she explains, “I can relate to a lot of the kids and families. I only spoke Spanish and didn’t start learning English until Kindergarten. I hated reading, I was often embarrassed.”
Rocio was a good student and “good girl.” However, at the age of 11 she joined a gang for protection and belonging. “My mom worked more than two jobs to be able to provide for us. I started to get into a lot of trouble. I was the kid who got sent to the principal’s office and would get into fights.”
At age 16 she became pregnant with her first son, Luis. “I wanted to fill the void I felt and to feel loved.” Having Luis changed her life and perspective. When Luis was 3 months old she decided to get out of the gang. The only way to do this was to be “jumped out.” She spent the next two weeks in the hospital, but she knew it was the right decision.
Her next step was college, “I knew I had to go to school and complete it.” She dedicated herself to studying; going so far as taking Luis with her to class and walking across the stage together for her graduation. “I had no life. I only slept about two hours a night for four years, setting alarms throughout the night to study or finish homework. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do,” she recalls. After earning her Bachelors she went on to complete her Masters in an accelerated one year program.
High School Diploma
Bachelor of Social Work
Master of Social Work
Reflecting on where she’s been and where she wants to be, she smiles, “I have everything I ever wanted by 26; my Master’s Degree, two kids, and working in a job I want to be in – I leave each day wanting to come back the next. This is what I wanted for my life and what I wanted for my kids.”
“Working with Affinity has had a great impact on my career. I am not from the Grand Rapids area. But I have been able to make many different connections with many different people and organizations.” Affinity’s network includes over 30 local nonprofits and corporate partners, two school districts, and more than 300 mentors and families each year.
She sees herself as an advocate, “I am always trying to make sure that the family’s basic needs are met and that they are receiving the support that they need. I am always trying to connect with mentors to find out in what ways I am able to help support them so that the role of a mentor can be fun and exciting for them.”
Rocio approaches mentor matching with a unique perspective, “I always say that matching is a little bit of art, science, and a whole lot of gut because even though a mentor and student might have a lot of similarities that does not mean that they would be a good fit for each other. Which is why I always trust what my gut tells me.”
She starts by looking at the students who have been waiting the longest for a mentor, “After talking to the student, teacher, and parents I sit down and look at all of my mentors. I begin to look for similarities between the student and potential mentor as well as what the biggest need of the student is and which one of my mentors who help fill that need. Lastly, I trust what my gut tells me regarding a potential match.”
“I sit down with the mentor for an hour-long interview where I ask them multiple questions about their family, support system, and elementary experiences. Why they want to become a mentor and how they might go about handling certain situations. I also get an understanding of their interests and hobbies.”
“The hardest part of my job is telling a student that I was unable to find a mentor for them. However, it is even more difficult when I have to tell a 5th grader this because I am unable to match them in middle school. So in a sense, they missed out on the opportunity to receive a mentor. This is the hardest part because every student knows me as the “mentor boss lady.” They are very aware of the color papers that I distribute to different students. They know that green is the intake form, blue is the permission slip to receive a mentor, orange is an absent or day change notice, and white can mean anything from you having been matched to a letter informing their parents that I was not able to match them this year.”
When she’s not at work she loves to exercise, “I wake up at 4 am every day to go to the gym.” She has two sons, Luis and Rolando, “I love to be with my two wonderful boys playing games, being outside, reading, and dancing.” She also has a love for baking, especially sugar cookies. In the future Rocio hopes to one day become a probation officer for juveniles. This year she is focusing on studying to pass her Clinical Social Work State Exam.
Reflecting on her journey she explains, “The biggest thing that motivates me is knowing that throughout all of my tribulations I have learned so much and my boys will one day be able to look back and see that if mom was able to accomplish so much in her life they will have no excuse but to give it their all as well. Because I’m raising warriors who will help make this world a better place for us all.”
“Right now I am looking forward to seeing all of my kiddos’ faces once again. Seeing their smiles and making them feel important and valued when they come into my office is one of the greatest things when I’m in the office. I know firsthand how much feeling valued, loved, and understood can mean to a child and the lengths that they might go to feel the sense of belonging.”
As adults during this time we are experiencing heightened levels of stress, anxiety, fear, and lack of support systems; now just imagine what it must feel like to be 10 years old. During uncertain times with a lack of routine, supports, and social contacts mentoring is more important than ever for young people. Students need as many safe adults as possible in their lives to help them navigate the emotions and struggles that this pandemic has additionally placed on them and their families. We urgently ask you to continue supporting Affinity Mentoring’s work as we walk alongside partners and families, and we promise to do everything in our power to make this work safe and healthy.
Our transition to a virtual platform helps ensure the health and safety of our program participants. We are currently working to ensure (with help from supporters) that Affinity Mentoring has all of its own technology needs supplied through our programming and students/families/schools do not have to provide their own.
In a typical year, replenishing our Mentor Centers costs approximately $3,500 (new books, games, activities, etc.), however, we anticipate the transition to a virtual platform costing approximately $18,600 (a 431% increase).
Estimated COVID-19 Programming Costs
iPads/laptops: $250 X 60 = $15,000
Headphones: $25 X 60 = $1,500
Disinfectant wipes: $60/mo X 10 months = $600
Hand sanitizer: $150 X 10 months= $1,500
TOTAL COST: $18,600
In addition to increased operating costs, we are anticipating a shortfall of at least $30,000 due to our partnerships that are being financially affected by COVID-19.
During this uncertain time, we ask that you continue to support the work of Affinity Mentoring and other nonprofits in our community.* Your support is more important than ever.
Como adultos durante este tiempo sentimos niveles elevados de estrés, ansiedad, miedo y falta de sistemas de apoyo; ahora imagínense cómo se sentiría si tuviera 10 años de edad. En tiempos de incertidumbre con falta de rutina, apoyo y contactos sociales, la mentoría es más importante que nunca para los jóvenes. Los estudiantes necesitan tantos adultos seguros como sea posible en sus vidas para ayudarlos a navegar las emociones y las luchas que esta pandemia también ha puesto encima de ellos y sus familias. Le pedimos urgentemente que continúe apoyando el trabajo de Affinity Mentoring mientras caminamos junto con socios y familias, y prometemos hacer todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para que este trabajo sea seguro y saludable.
Nuestra transición a una plataforma virtual ayuda a garantizar la salud y la seguridad de los participantes de nuestro programa. Actualmente estamos trabajando para asegurar (con la ayuda de apoyantes y socios) que Affinity Mentoring tiene toda la tecnología necesaria a través de nuestra programación y que los estudiantes/familias/escuelas no tienen que proporcionarla.
En un año típico, rellenar nuestros Centros de Mentoría cuesta aproximadamente $3,500 (para libros nuevos, juegos, actividades, etc.), sin embargo, anticipamos que la transición a una plataforma virtual costará aproximadamente $18,600 (un aumento de 431%).
iPads: $250 X 60 = $15,000
Auriculares: $25 X 60 = $1,500
Toallitas Desinfectantes: $60/m X 10 meses = $600
Desinfectante para Manos: $150/m X 10 meses= $1,500
COSTO TOTAL: $18,600
Además del aumento de los costos operativos, anticipamos un déficit de al menos $30,000 porque algunos de nuestros socios han sido afectados financieramente por COVID-19.
Durante este tiempo incierto, le pedimos que continúe apoyando el trabajo de Affinity Mentoring y otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro en nuestra comunidad.* Su apoyo es más importante que nunca.
[Empresas/Organizaciones] Done nueva tecnología para apoyar las actividades de mentoría virtual*
* En este momento no estamos aceptando donaciones de dispositivos personales, sin embargo, considere donar a nuestro fondo general para apoyar directamente estas necesidades.
¿Preguntas o preocupaciones? Dirija sus preguntas a las siguientes personas:
Mentores, mentorizados o miembro de la familia que regresan: póngase en contacto directamente con la coordinadora de su sitio
Get a sneak peek of the mentors and students that will be sharing their experiences, stories, and favorite memories for Better Together Virtual! Watch our livestream video on Facebook [no account necessary] on April 29th at 6pm to experience Affinity and hear their full stories! For more information about the event visit: affinitymentoring.org/bettertogether/
Kortlyn + Yoselyn
Suzy, Kortlyn, Saul, and Yoselyn
Mitch + Saul
Kortlyn Shoemaker is the Early Childhood Pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church where she oversees programming for all children 6 years old and under. Kortlyn and her dog Sir Winston moved to Grand Rapids 3 years ago from New York City. In addition to overseeing programs for young children, she also volunteers her time leading the Student Leadership Team for Mars Hill’s high school students, is a Bible study leader and a student at Mars Hill’s Formation School. In her free time, Kortlyn enjoys painting landscapes and abstract art, learning Italian, reading, frequenting many of Grand Rapids restaurants and cafes and traveling abroad.
Yoselyn is 10 years old and in the 4th grade. Her favorite subject at school is Art. When she is not at school Yoselyn enjoys reading Junie B. Jones books, drawing and coloring, playing with her baby cousin and doing her dolls’ hair. Yoselyn lives in Grand Rapids with her mom, Suzy, and brother, Saul, who is also in the mentoring program. When Yoselyn grows up she wants to be a teacher.
Kortlyn and Yoselyn have been a match for three years and absolutely love spending time together. They have many things in common including their creativity, love of glitter, reading, laughing and their silly sense of humor.
Mitch Shooks is self-employed. He founded the GRIP Center, a private personal training gym in cascade in 2014, and has a team of 4 trainers. Mitch earned a degree in Exercise Science from Dordt College and he enjoys outdoor activities like biking, hiking and hunting. Mitch is a self-proclaimed “barely sane father” of 4 girls. He adds that his wife of 20 years is his anchor when dealing with his daughters
Saul is an energetic guy with a love for all things sports and fast cars. He loves jokes and finding humor in all places. He’s a very thoughtful young man and often brings Mitch small crafts he has made for him. They have been a match for 3 years.
Liliana + Family
Karina + Liliana
Karina + Angel
Karina Zarate is an engineer for C2AE, she works in an integrated team to design various systems for public infrastructure, health care, education and manufacturing facilities. One of her projects is the new high school for Southwest Community Campus [SWCC]. Karina studied Architectural engineering, with an emphasis on electrical systems, in her hometown at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. She was recruited to Grand Rapids in 2013 and have become very connected since. Karina has a passion for her community, and often volunteers for opportunities to promote STEM to youth through the lens of interaction with the built environment. Because of the intersection of community and the built environment, she serves on the board of Family Promise, which helps families with children who are in housing crises. She is a member of the Latina Network, a coordinator of the Grand Rapids’ Project Pipeline Architecture Camp and serves as the Treasurer for EquityPAC. She became a mentor for Affinity this school year.
Liliana is formerly a student at Cesar Chavez Elementary, she is now a 4th grader in her first year at SWCC. The pair recently celebrated her 10th birthday over one of their weekly lunches. As a middle child, she plays the role of little sister and of a caring older sister. She is sweet, imaginative, and energetic. When they meet, Liliana enjoys sharing snacks, drawing, basketball, playing board games, practicing her English, and sharpening her math skills. There is never a dull moment with Liliana, because she can easily sneak in a game of rock paper scissors and hide and seek on the way to the lunch room or while waiting in the lunch line.
Angel Barreto-Cruz is a Membership Specialist at the YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids, Co-Founder of Loop Coding Center, and a student at Grand Valley State University. Angel is a proud GRPS graduate, in fact he attended Southwest Community Campus as a child! Angel is very active in the community – he is a member of the West Michigan Latino Network, board member for the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Grand Rapids, and participant in the LEADERES leadership lab for Latinx professionals by Ferris State University.
Dylan is a very outgoing and thoughtful 4th grader. He loves to play board games and play outside. Together, he and Angel play battleship, read together, and practice English.
Maura + Analia
MauraLamoreaux is thrilled to be in her fifth year of mentoring with Affinity! Currently the communications manager for the Kent County Road Commission, Maura previously served as communications officer for the Yonkers Public Schools, the fourth largest school district in the State of New York. Maura received a bachelor’s degree in Communications from the University of Notre Dame and a master’s degree in Corporate Communication from Baruch College of the City University of New York. She also attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and currently sings with the rock band, Signal Trip. Maura and her husband, Jason, are the proud parents of daughter, Shea.
Analia is an outgoing 4th grader at Southwest Community Campus. This is her first year in the mentoring program and likes learning new games with Maura. Analia is working on building her confidence and practicing her English.
Teri + Lizbeth [11 YEARS TOGETHER!]
Teri is self-employed and works with the Red Cross. In addition, she is a wellness consultant, disability advocate, and diversity and inclusion presenter. She loves to be active and get outdoors, especially hiking and paddle-boarding. She and her husband have two children. Eleven years ago she became Lizbeth’s mentor – Lizbeth was just five years old and in the first grade!
Lizbeth is the oldest child in her family and has two younger sisters. Perhaps this is the reason for her maturity and helpful nature. She is very giving and loves to see those around her smiling. She has a very artistic side and is a very gifted musician and has a beautiful voice! Liz is a great dancer and has done performances with her friends. She also has a fun and sweet personality and a wonderful sense of maturity. Navigating through high school can be daunting, but Liz is persevering and her teachers all adore her. Her faith is vital in her life and she leans of God for direction and purpose when she’s feeling down. Liz has a good head on her shoulders and lots of love in her heart. She makes the world a better place for those that love and know her!
“Lizbeth and I met at Burton elementary on our first day of mentoring. She was a bright eyed five year old first grader and although my Spanish was non-existent, we did a lot of smiling and pointing at pictures to communicate that day. Fast forward 11 years and it’s like we’ve always known one another. Our families bonded and so have our hearts. We’ve done a lot of life together like holidays, birthday’s, special outings, cookie baking and beach hikes. I appreciate her more than words can say. Life isn’t always easy and sometimes busyness gets in the way, but at the end of the day I am very thankful for our special connection that can never be broken.” – Teri
Every year, Better Together raises over $40,000 in vital support for our students. Please join us for Better Together Virtual to hear how your support is helping us serve students and their families during this crisis and throughout the year.