Student FAQ

Student FAQ

What do matches do during their mentoring hour?

Mentors and students may read together, work on homework, play games and talk during their time together. We have a variety of books, games and activities that mentors and students can use during their time together.

How is mentoring different than tutoring?

Tutors typically focus on assisting a student in gaining a particular set of academic knowledge or skills. Mentors are trained to support a child in whatever areas they need to grow in the context of relationship. That often does encompass more than learning a particular academic skill. So, mentors are not tutors but they may, at times, work on developing a student’s academic abilities.

How do I get a Mentor?

Students are referred for a mentor by either their parent/guardian or teacher. If your student meets our eligibility criteria, complete the application now.

When can I get a mentor? Is there a waiting list?

We do currently have a waiting list. Typically, students wait about a year before being matched with a mentor. However, this varies greatly depending on the availability of a mentor that would make a good match.

Why are students referred for a mentor?

Students are typically referred because, generally, they would benefit from another caring adult on their team. Students who could use some help gaining confidence, learning social-emotional skills or improving their academic abilities all benefit from mentoring.

Where will the student and mentor meet?

Mentoring occurs at the school, typically in a room dedicated to the program called the Mentor Center. Matches may also use approved spaces on the school campus, such as the library, gym, or playground. Wondering if our students and mentors will meet outside of school? Not if you don’t want them to. Affinity Mentoring offers a primarily school-based program. That means, in order for a student and mentor to meet outside of school, the mentor, student, parent, and program staff must first meet and come to an agreement on what the outside relationship will look like. Until that happens, meeting outside of school won’t. Because it’s the children, not the activities, that matter.

How are the students and mentors matched?

First, we take great care to get to know our students and gather input from the teacher(s) and parent/guardian. Similarly, we get to know the prospective mentors through the interview process. Then, we look for similarities in personality and interests as well as a mentor that will be well equipped to support his/her particular mentee’s needs. Matching is a bit of science and a bit of gut instinct—it’s one of our great joys!

How are they supervised?

Our program staff are specially trained to support mentoring relationships and our program adheres to the National Mentoring Partnership’s Elements of Effective Practice for match supervision.

At the end of every day, we review the mentor’s progress report and follow up regularly on any concern that may arise. Teachers also receive these progress reports weekly. Furthermore, we have an intentional, in-depth conversation with every program participant individually during a mid-year checkpoint.

When will the mentoring relationship end?

We ask all of our matches to make a minimum 1 school year commitment. Every Spring we guide mentors through how to talk about ending the school year. Many matches will continue meeting year after year; but that just depends on each individual’s situation. We are committed to being clear and transparent about when the match is going to end and celebrating the time spent together. When the time comes to say goodbye, we guide mentors and students [parents are invited too] through a Closure Conversation.

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